Monday, October 11, 2010

October - So busy!

So it definitely has been too long since I last updated this blog. October has been such a big month for me - and is going to continue to be busy! Whew!

I shot a senior yesterday, and how could I resist his adorable puppy (okay, he was an older puppy!) So of COURSE I took his portrait too :)

So! I hope you enjoyed a rare update! More to come soon, since I now have a lot more time next month. Bye!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Catching up with life again!

Sorry I've been lacking in posting forever. I used to be such an avid blogger in my prime! I got a few awesome shots the weekend before last when I was hanging out with my family and taking a weekend to relax (but still shoot something of course!)

Trying to catch the reflection of me, the house and other things all around me was pretty hard. This had to be shot 30 of about 200 over all. Bubbles are fun, but difficult to work with!

Anyway! Time to get back to work for now. Enjoy your day. :)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Busy, busy, busy!

It has been a long and busy week for me, and it's only Thursday! I just got my new camera, and it was incredible amounts of fun this past weekend - Here's just one triptych I put together of my husband.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Its been a while!

So I've been pretty busy with work and life for a while... So my blog has naturally gotten a little dust on it. But time to brush it off, and show you a little of what I've been working on!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Wedding season has begun!

I had my first wedding of the season this past weekend! It was super fun and exciting, and my assistant was really great as well.

We arrived early to a small beautiful church in Jenison. It was cold and rainy, but nobody's spirits were down. The day went by sooo quickly that I barely had time to even realize what time it was.

The image I'm posting now is from an idea that I had early in the morning when I woke up. I was happy to hear that Jeannie was totally in for the idea. More images to come later, but here is one!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I like the sun... and photographing in it...

So I've had two shoots in the past half a week. Both were extremely fun - and I've already edited one completely!

I'm posting my absolute favorite photo right now though of the engagement I shot yesterday. It was so much fun and I was able to be a little more experimental (even though I've seen my more experimental stuff done before). I fell instantly in love with this dyptich when I set it up in photoshop.

So that's what I've been up to. I'm going to finish editing these the rest of this week, and i'm super excited about it too. Have a lovely week!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Bottlecaps for miles...

Paul and I have been collecting our beer bottle caps for years now. Just the other day we decided to place them all out on the floor and see what we have acquired.

The light was just about perfect, so of course I took some photos!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Moment of Conception

I was trying to come up with ideas for some stock photography - and it was one of the hardest things I could have tried to do. Me and coming up with ideas forcefully do not mix. At all. So you can imagine my excitement this morning when I was home sick, I saw that the cat was playing with a piece of a teabag that i take off every morning when i take my tea to work. (I don't like the paper getting all soggy and wet in my nalgene!)

It looked like how they are placed out in my photos. And I, being me, thought to myself - well, isn't it obvious.

Anyway I've choosen a few that I've just edited as my personal favorites, and I hope you like them too!

So all in all, pretty productive for a sick day. I cant use these for stock, because they are much too noisy. But they do make for some fun photography. Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It was a beautiful day today!

I know I've already posted photos of my cat, but he was being so cute in the sun, i couldn't resist the urge to take even more pictures of him. he was just too darn cute.

So... yea. I hope the weather stays like this!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

a pretty great sunday so far...

So for the past few days I haven't had much to blog about or post. But i'm glad to say I have booked a few more weddings, and I am going to be meeting some more people in the next week or so!

Feeling inspired, (and still pumped from booking a wedding today!) I decided to edit a few more photographs I've taken in the past day or so.

I've been messing around with images in raw and I think i like the results a ton. I still am frustrated with how huge the image files are, but I cannot complain about the quality. These are obviously a little more compressed (thank-you internet) but I hope you enjoy anyway.

This is a view outside my bedroom window. I didn't realize that the one tree looked like a man looking in almost. It nearly scared me when i was editing.

I have some old flash bulbs that are hanging in our guestroom as an art piece. This is only one of them, but you can see small remnants of some of the other ones in the bottom right corner of the photo.

Anyway, I hope the weekend went well for all!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Look at me, posting again!

Okay, so its been a while since I've kept up a blog of any sort whatsoever. Actually the last blog i kept religiously was in high school, and that was with a good ole' xanga. So i pretty much am starting from scratch again.

And thankfully, I have a good reason to post now!

I realized this morning that having a low blood sugar was good for one thing, which was coming up with great photo ideas! I have a whole new idea for a series of self portraits that I'm very excited to work on, but I need to grow my hair out a little more before I can accomplish this HUGE task. So more to come on that in the next few months.

As I only have one reader/follower currently (hello Jonathan!) I'll spare him from worthless ranting and post a few more photos for future readers!

I just set up a mini studio in the guest room, and here are a few practice images I took. I'm still working around where to put the lights - but I'm pretty happy with what I have!

Anyway, I'll post more people photos tomorrow once I decide how to go about it.

Monday, March 1, 2010

New blog!

I jumped on the photographer bandwagon it seems. I've had a few sessions i'll begin posting on here, along with some personal artwork/stuff I've been working on!

Here's a photo of my kitty (named Banksy) sleeping. He's a sweet little cat, but he does love to get in trouble.